Goals for tomorrow:
- Finish grading
- Post grades
- Clean house --tomorrow: hard floors and bathtubs
- Exercise --only my grading hand and my vacuuming muscles got a workout today
- Draft methods --excuse me while I laugh helplessly
- Start Othello
- Blog
- Visit the Adoration chapel
- Rough out next lecture --thought about it! tomorrow...
Daily goals for the rest of the week:
- Get to Mass or spend time in the Adoration chapel -- yes!
- Exercise -- uh, no
- Work a bit on that article draft -- drafted!
- Prep part of a lecture -- went well!
- Read a chunk of Othello -- thinking too much about work
- Avoid computer drift -- always a struggle
- Blog -- failed internet connection got in the way
- Spend some time organizing or beautifying the house -- lost steam toward the end of the week, but things are looking better around here
- Knock an item off the standing to-do list -- pretty much done
By the end of the week:
- Finish article draft
- Have slides posted for Monday and Tuesday -- still working on Tuesday
- Finish baby hat and red sock
- Finish Othello -- nope
- Empty inbox