I told you about it earlier this year when Stella and I first started playing Taylor Swift together on the piano, but I haven't posted about how much we've enjoyed it in the months since then. Taylor Swift songs are usually some version of a I-IV-V-VI chord sequence, so it's easy to goof around with them in a key that works for us. (Taylor's 5'10 height means she has a bigger skeleton, which means a bigger larynx, which means a lower range, so we usually move them up a step or two.)
Pete was home over the weekend and he recorded this one-take-no-warmup video of us singing Maroon. It is rough around the edges but I hope it captures the fun we've been having with these songs. At about 0:41 you can see Stella smile at me. That smile says, "Mom, did you seriously just start to play the VI there AGAIN?" At about 0:42 you can see me smile back, and that smile says, "These hands are ROCK SOLID on the V chord, sweetheart. (But yes, I did almost play the VI again.)"
We can't quite decide whether to end on the V or the I, and in this recording there's a bit of dissonance at the end. But you could make a case that it's fitting, given the song.
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