Today it dawned on me, after almost 12 years in this bedroom, that it is a terrible use of space to have old letters and pictures on our closet shelves at the same time that we are short on places for clothing, and so I cleared off those shelves and moved the memorabilia to the upstairs bedroom that is going to become a craft space now that its inhabitant has been gone for a while.
I washed and put away a bunch of bedding that had been sitting in empty kids' rooms, even though washing lots of bedding is a pain. (It's so easy to get an unbalanced load when you're washing comforters.)
This week I pulled the trigger on cheerful plates to replace the aging plain dishes we'd been using for our whole marriage, and I spent some time today rearranging the kitchen cabinets.
I finished Trollope novel #25, The Claverings, about which more soon. I also spent some time talking to Pete, who will be home on Tuesday for Thanksgiving. (OH MY, do I love that boy and miss him when he is gone.)
I have only exercised for 25 minutes of my prescribed 45, though, so I am going to squeeze in a quick yoga video. (Probably a person cannot reasonably spend 20 minutes in savasana and call it exercise, you figure?)
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