It's been a full week at work, in which I provided lit review edits to SIX SEPARATE graduate students. So many lit reviews for so many non-overlapping projects, ai yi yi. On the upside, they all worked really hard on their drafts and the task was more pleasant than I feared it might be. It was still a lot of hours of mental effort, and it's not over.
I'm also at the point in one of my classes where I'm supposed to be teaching grad-level material I've never taught before. I'm getting through it, but I've been working late every night.
If you've paid any attention to the time stamps on my nightly blog posts, you may have noticed that I'm writing late, by my usual standards. This is coupled with a time-change hiccup: Stella keeps waking up, every single day, on the outmoded DST schedule. When she gets up to use the bathroom, the dog comes to find me. "Jamie!" she says, "it is morning and you have not petted me for many hours. Rub my belly! Get me breakfast! Is it time for a walk yet?"
My plan tonight is to go to bed early and sleep late. Will it work? We shall see.
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