You guys, I had the funniest dream last night. I have been laughing to myself about it all day.
In my dream I was in my own bed with my own husband when suddenly -- poof! -- Elwood was gone and in his place was Brad Pitt. I have never had any desire to get cozy with Brad Pitt, and I guess my indignation showed on my face. He said, "Hey, relax, Dad will be right back."
I said, "What?!?!" (Background: I HAAAAAATE misused parental titles. Elwood isn't Brad Pitt's dad; he most certainly isn't my dad. I get unreasonably irritated when the people at the vet's office call me "Mommy" instead of taking 3 seconds to look in the chart at my actual name. Why was this RANDOM GUY suddenly lying in my BED and calling my husband DAD?! I was not having it.)
Dream Brad Pitt could see right away that his instructions to relax were not actually spurring me to relax. "Fine," he said, "all right. I'll just go on to my next gig." And poof! He was gone again.
Dream Jamie realized that this was his sad reality: whenever anyone dreams about Brad Pitt, he is magically summoned thither. No matter how much he might prefer to spend a quiet night in his own bed, that's the price of fame for him -- bouncing from dream to dream like a genie unable to settle down peaceably in his own comfy lamp.
"Huh," Dream Jamie thought to herself as she stretched out luxuriously in her now-empty bed. (Where did Elwood disappear to in this dream reality, and when was he coming back? Who can say?) "Poor Brad Pitt. That sounds exhausting."
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