Phew, the retreat is over and it was mostly lovely. Those retreats are so much work, my friends. Two weeks ago I was telling myself I would never do another one. (I'll probably do another one at some point.) I am still not caught up on sleep.
I've had all kinds of blog posts swirling around in my brain, waiting to be written. Potential topics:
- Things I Have Been Reading That Are Not Trollope
- Related: My New Fave Golden Age Detective Fiction Author
- Adventures in Lower-Sodium Eating, or Dang, There is a Lot of Salt in Restaurant Food, Who Knew?
- Jamie Continues to Battle Perfectionism in Volunteer Activities
- Exciting Updates on That Post About September Goals
- It's All Over But the I-Cord: The Very Mysterious MKAL Concludes
I'll be back soon!
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