It was chilly over the weekend and as I was heading out to walk the dog I thought to myself, "I wish I had a pair of flip-top mittens, so my fingertips could mostly be warm but I could have easy access when I needed to do something requiring some dexterity."
"Oh," I said back to myself, "you mean like the flip-top mittens you started making in APRIL 2020?"
I rarely knit these days and I'm not sure exactly why. It used to be that every time I read a book to a kid I'd pick up my knitting, and it used to be that I read a lot of books to a lot of kids. Knitting took the edge off when I was reading the same book for the 427th time, but these days all the people in my household read their own books to themselves. Knitting was something I always reached for if I was watching a TV show, but I hardly ever watch TV shows these days.
Another thing that's changed: I used to enjoy the knitting community. I'm not active on Ravelry these days, and the knitting bloggers I used to follow have all stopped blogging. It's pleasant to talk about progress and frustrations with people who are excited about knitting. It's motivating to see other people's projects and riff on their ideas.
And here's another thing: I can't seem to combine very much knitting with lifting, because it makes my elbow hurt. I'd rather get strong than make socks. But probably I can make a few socks and keep lifting pain-free, right?
After I wrote the post I linked above, I finished the first two remaining tasks and then I just could not bring myself to pick up stitches for the lining of the second mitten. But you know, it won't actually be that hard. I need bright light and 20 minutes, and then I'll say to myself, "Why did I put this off for so long?"
What's something Stella and I could watch together in the evenings while I ease myself back into the knitting groove? It needs to be something I can catch most of by listening (i.e., no subtitles), and it can't be too creepy or violent because I don't do well with creepy/violent shows.
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