My 30-day dress challenge turned me into a Wool& fangirl, and I started a 100-day challenge on day 31. Today is the halfway point. Do you remember when I posted about how my swingy black tank dress caused the jam-session guy to ask me if I was a nun? That's my 100-day dress and I love it. It's cozy but never hot, and it lends itself to all kinds of layering adventures: shirts underneath, tunics atop, knitwear every which way. I have an eShakti wrap dress that is very pretty but a little too revealing, and today I wore it over my challenge dress. No cleavage issues, no skirt-blowing-open surprises when the wind came gusting off the prairie. I wondered if it would be too bulky to have that much yardage tucked underneath the wrap dress, but I think it works. (Facial expression caption: the person in this photo does not love taking selfies. Least favorite part of the challenge.)
So far Stella seems to be the only person in my life who has noticed that I am doing this admittedly rather odd thing. She told me that today's ensemble made me look like a Disney princess, and I did not ask whether this was a good look or a bad look. (She's not the only one to think the eShakti dress has a Disney princess vibe. Once when I wore it to class one of my students once said to me, "Dr. Gladly! You have Merida's hair AND you have her dress too!") My friend Beth, the one who encouraged me to give it a whirl, texts me every so often asking if my husband has commented on the wardrobe shift yet. So far the answer is no. One of my colleagues said something complimentary about "that dress you wore yesterday," not recognizing that I was wearing the selfsame dress again.
Sometimes I will only wear the challenge dress for part of the day, and put on something different to teach. Only sometimes, though -- mostly I love the structure of knowing what I will wear while retaining a bit of freedom to accessorize.
When I first heard about this challenge it sounded implausible. Like, c'mon, of course the clothes get stinky. Also: it's wool -- how could you not get overheated wearing wool every day? But it turns out they were telling the truth: an overnight airing does the trick, for their leggings as well as their dresses. And even as a person whose inner furnace is set to ROAST far more often than she might like, I'm finding that the temperature control element of their marketing materials holds up as well.
Wool& doesn't do promos but here's a WoolX referral link for a $20 coupon, if you want some magic leggings or magic PJs of your very own.
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