I will be back in the classroom two weeks from tomorrow, and I am making myself a list. The work tasks always get done because they have to get done, but the home tasks can swirl around and cause low-level "I should I should I should" kinds of thoughts for a long time.
Every day for the next ten days, I want to put 3 months' worth of pictures into a Snapfish photo book.
Every day until it's done, I want to repair one knitted item. Mostly these repairs do not take long. I just don't like doing them and so they linger. I think posting pictures will be motivating. I also want to finish up three lingering UFOs with a low volume of actual knitting/crocheting but a medium-to-high irksome factor.
I have some annoying phone calls to make but I am going to make them instead of thinking about how annoying they will be-- one set for home needs, one set for people needs.
And I am going to make time for music and exercise every day, because all work and no play makes Jamie a grumpy lady.
Watch this space!
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