Do you remember that I am teaching a class this semester that I last taught in spring 2015? On Tuesday I was teaching them about the skeletal framework for respiration, and I came across a quote from 12yo Joe in my notes. He said, “Why do we have bones?” and then answered his own question. “Otherwise," he went on, "we’d be like giant slugs and our enemies could just nudge us into a ravine and eat us at leisure.”
You guys, that cracks me up every dang time I read it. I find it totally hilarious. So since we were talking about bony frameworks, I shared it with my students -- some of whom were, shall we say, nonplussed. "Is that supposed to be funny?" one of them whispered to another. Answer: YES, emphatically YES.
Earlier this week I was looking for an old post, this sweet and wistful one about my great-aunt-in-law's books. But I thought it was from December, not February, and when I was skimming through December archives I reread this post about my first conversation with Nate the Exterminator. I remembered that I had assured him only celibate mice were allowed on my property, but I had totally forgotten the Edna Mode moment and the anti-rat perimeter. Gotta say, in hindsight it seems like that miiiiight have been one of the weirder conversations Nate had that day.
But hey, it had been weeks, at that point, of trying unsuccessfully to figure out what was skritching in the wall NEXT TO MY HEAD in the wee hours, so maybe I will cut my sleep-deprived past self some slack.
Work is a lot but it's good. I feel better about every single aspect of my job when I am writing every day. Also, as a direct result of writing every day, I have three papers under review at the moment. GO ME!
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