Today is launch day for a book called Reach, written by Becky Robinson.
Becky owns a business called Weaving Influence, which focuses in large part on book marketing. Reach is a distillation of what she's learned over the past ten years about building an audience that wants to hear your particular message. Becky has been my dear friend since we were in high school together, and her voice in this book is just like her voice in real life: thoughtful, accessible, clear, and interesting. It's one of my favorite voices. I bet you'll enjoy it too -- check it out! You may find it especially helpful if you hope to write a book someday, but it's full of strategies for anyone who wants to share ideas effectively online.
Launch day was the impetus for the composition of the silly song I mentioned a few days ago. I was asked to contribute to a video in honor of her book launch, and my first thought was, "I bet this video will need some ukulele! And a trombone solo too!" Then I thought to myself, "This video will probably be a compilation of serious people saying smart things about marketing books and ideas, and maybe I should not go full-on Invasion of the Goofballs in the middle of it."
But here on my blog, otherwise known as Goofball Central, my ukulele and I will have some musical thoughts to share about Becky's book. On Saturday I'll post my serenade, and I'll tell you more about my favorite bits of the book, and I'll give away a copy. If you're in the US, you can leave me a comment here or a reply on Twitter between now and lunchtime Saturday. I'll choose one commenter/tweeter to receive a copy in her (or his) preferred format.
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