I am entirely better, 100% better. My experience, for what it's worth: I had Moderna shot #1 in March (mild arm soreness, NBD) and shot #2 in April (massive whopping arm soreness, fatigue, achiness, under the weather for most of a day). I had Moderna shot #3 on Friday, and I felt like hell yesterday from about hour 20 to hour 28 after the shot. Fever, aches, significant arm soreness, fatigue, and ALSO I kept messing up my logic puzzles. Maybe I should report that last one to VAERS, because it was vexing as all get-out. I felt so crummy that I wondered if the nurse made a mistake and gave me a whole dose instead of a booster dose. But I went to bed early and woke up feeling perfectly normal.
I would still prefer to live in a country where 90% of people had had two mRNA shots, so that I would have less need of a third shot, but what are you going to do?
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