Stella took Mickey out for a little walk this afternoon right around the time I was leaving for the post office. I pulled up beside them and rolled down the window to say hi. Mickey sprang over to the car and put his feet up on the top of the door so he could see in.
"Jamie!" you could see him thinking. "You are in the car! I was not expecting the person in the car to be you! But I like car rides! And I like you! And I have an idea!"
Much to our surprise, he jumped through the open window and made himself at home on the passenger seat. "Let's go!" he said to me with his big brown eyes. "Drive fast and I will put my nose out the window to snuffle at all the nice smells!"
Stella tried to persuade him that they should finish their walk but he had other plans. It's hard for an average-sized 12-year-old girl to convince a 50-pound dog that he should remove himself from the place he most wants to be. So we took a short spin around the block, and I dropped them off in the driveway.
Mickey was looking at me as I drove away. "That was not much of a car ride, Jamie!" his eyes said as I backed out. "Next time! I have some catch-up snuffling to do!"
He seemed less cute after dinner, when he seized the muffin pan in his teeth while we were clearing the table and proceeded to wolf down corn muffins as fast as caninely possible.
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