Four of the kids are home this weekend and it's so nice to be together. One of the best things about having big kids is watching the sibling relationships.
We met friends at the farmers' market this morning, where we chatted in the sunshine and enjoyed another taste of normal life. I did not know that my husband is a total farmers' market softie. Dad, can we get cheese curds? Dad, can we get some goat meat? Sure, he says, sure we can.
My church is splitting the masses up, so that half of them will have strict COVID protocols and half will have relaxed COVID protocols. The vigil is one of the relaxed masses, and I wasn't quite sure what it would be like. It was fine, I guess? I played with a musician I hadn't seen in more than a year, back in my corner next to the big amp. That has been a pandemic gift, for sure -- I'm glad I said yes when they asked me to learn how to play the bass last summer.
Today my friend Becky turned 50 and celebrated by running 50 kilometers, which is 31 miles. Fifty! kilometers! is a lot of kilometers.
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