Oh, you guys, that was a WEEK. On Monday, I finished all of my revisions for manuscript #2. Go me! At lunchtime I went to Adoration and prayed for the nation, because it seemed like we needed it.
On Tuesday I knew I would be distracted. I planned a picnic lunch with a friend. I set low expectations for productivity. I went to bed at a reasonable hour.
On Tuesday Part Two I woke up feeling like an anvil lay on top of me, and I scraped my sad weary self out of bed. It is extremely unusual for me to check the headlines before Morning Prayer, but that's what I did on Tuesday Part Two. It was a bad idea.
On Tuesday Part Three I continued to click around from WSJ to NYT, from 538 to Twitter, in search of answers and updates. I found no answers or updates, but I did observe a noxious miasma emanating from my armpits. "Huh, I showered on Tuesday and it's still Tuesday," I said to myself. I took a shower anyway. If a day is going to last for more than 60 hours, it requires more than one shower.
On the morning of Tuesday Part Four the WSJ flipped Pennsylvania to pale blue and I took a deep breath for the first time in a long time. I get it that a lot of Catholics are worried about what comes next, but on Friday night Elwood and I toasted to the future. Whatever that future looks like, it will not be governed by the least competent, most dangerous president we have ever seen.
It's time for another Facebook break for me (although with the Trump supporters heading over to Parler it may be a calmer place from here on out), and it's time for a return to uninterrupted writing blocks that start by 8:15. I am not sure I would want to know how many times I clicked refresh on my NYT/WSJ tabs last week, but it seems like a good time to be done with that.
How about you? How did it go last week? What's next?
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