This is not a post about juice fasts or detoxifying vegetables or any of that nonsense. This is a post about cleansing my brain.
You guys, what was I thinking, going back to social media with a presidential election coming up? How did I think that was going to be anything other than an express route to tooth-gnashing and futility-flailing? I haven't even been engaging with other human beings there; it's strictly a read-it-and-weep undertaking.
If social media causes you to struggle with moderation (and/or DESPAIR for the HUMAN RACE), what do you do? I am thinking I need to go fairly extreme here, and stay the heck away from Facebook and Twitter until after the election. Maybe I'll give Pete permission to view my Facebook account, because fostering another dog is high on the list of anti-futility-flail strategies and those opportunities only show up on Facebook.
So step 1: pull the plug on the poison pump. More steps to follow.
P.S. The irony is not lost on me that Twitter will now create an automatic tweet summarizing this post about the evils of Twitter.
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