Hi, friends, it's been a long time. How are you?
I am hanging in there. I am having the usual April issues with Substance Abuser #1: it feels dishonest to say nothing and unwise to share the details of somebody else's struggles in a public forum, so I just don't say very much at all.
A happier regular April thing is that I did the fun 10K again this year. One of my college roommates joined me again, for even more fun.
Pete is 14 today. 14! He is having a rock-climbing birthday party tomorrow. We had almond cake at home and I have been asked to bake brownies for the party. I thought I knew just what he wanted for his birthday, but he had a last-minute change of heart. So! That will require some creativity tomorrow.
I was invited to be part of a mission retreat team, taking the program we use at our parish to another parish a few hours away. I am supposed to give a talk tomorrow night on theology, and right now it is still pretty larval. Or maybe it's not even in the larva stage yet. Maybe it's still unhatched. Tomorrow it's going to have to wing its way through hatching and pupating pretty quickly, I'm telling you.
It's been a weird chilly spring and I'm ready for some warm (but not hot) days. I have some tidying up to do outside, but it's too gray and dreary and cold right now. I think I am going to turn over a strip of the grass next to our driveway and plant flowers there this year. I am not going to do it on a day that requires a coat, however,
I have some tidying up to do inside as well. I've been in a weird sort of limbo recently. When will I hear from the university president with the final tenure decision? What if I quit my job to become a novelist? (Never mind that I have written about an eighth of one novel. Details!) What will I do if SA#1 continues to decline to get it together? I think a vigorous decluttering might have salutary effects. I Kon-Mari-ed my wardrobe a few years ago, but maybe I will Kon-Mari the whole house this summer.
I'm not teaching this summer, and I am really looking forward to not-teaching. I'm thinking that this year's May Dickens Read-Along will be a couple of the shorter books, like maybe Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist. But if anybody's pining for a Barnaby Rudge party, I could be persuaded.
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