Oh, man, no post could ever live up to a title like that one, but especially not this post. The title comes from a London Times review of Watership Down, which was quoted in the copy of Watership Down that I checked out from my junior high library over and over again. The reviewer said something like "I announce with trembling pleasure the appearance of a great story," which could not be more different from the book reviews I mostly read these days. I am reading Watership Down to Stella these days, and thinking as always about the reasons why I love it. She is totally into it, and Pete is listening in some of the time too. So that's a happy January thing.
Although it sparked the title of this post, it has nothing to do with the planned content of this post, which is: I announce with trembling pleasure that I have devised an excellent washi tape storage solution. I mean, they're practically the same thing, right? Adams wrote 450 pages describing a fictional world with its own language and folklore; my husband went to Hobby Lobby. Six of one, etc.
Here is what I did: I bought a plastic pencil case at Walgreens that was big enough to hold the stencils. (Oh my word, you guys, the stencils came on Monday and I realized that I had failed to read the fine print. There are twenty sheets of stencils. I have a leaning tower of Pisa stencil, for all my Italian-engineering-fail stenciling needs. I have a Google Plus logo stencil, just in case I have an urgent need to stencil my feelings about a defunct social media platform, I guess? Anyway: stencils in the bottom. Pens and highlighters on top. Elwood brought me a 5/8" dowel and a little bag of dowel caps. I sawed the dowel into appropriately sized lengths and TADA!
Even Blackberry would find it clever, I expect.
So now I have a portable toolbox that will allow me to make more log pages, adorned with rainbow mustache washi tape. And stencils. I did not perceive a need for rainbow mustache washi tape in my life before 2019 came along, but here in the new year it is definitely taking up some space in my head.
The trouble with bullet-journaling, as with any planning system, is that it's entirely possible to spend more time deciding whether you want to adorn your to-do list with the white tape that has russet hearts OR the salmon tape with gilt hearts than you do actually accomplishing the tasks upon it. But I've been pretty motivated to clear the decks this week. I'll head into the new semester with the laundry caught up, flat surfaces cleared off, email inboxes empty, paper inbox in good shape. And tomorrow when I make a new weekly log page in an attempt to corral the chaos, I will be able to select a roll of washi tape without sending five other rolls flying every which way. Will lit be pineapples or tiny gold stars?
I'm sure the suspense is crushing you.
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