- Why does the crème brulée of the day have Oreos in it when Oreos do not go in crème brulée?
- Snippets prompted by our companionable co-completion of a WSJ puzzle (viz. spelling of Mohammed Ali's daughter's name)
- Inaccurate speculation re: the full name of UMBC
- Differences between Twitter peeps talking about UMBC/UVA and Twitter peeps talking about Loyola/Tennessee, with a side of Twitter criminal justice insights
- Happy anticipation (on the part of one participant; nodding tolerance for the other) re: the impending start of baseball! season! GO! CUBS!
- Fantasy football follies rehashed
- Demographic differences driving variations in Trump approval ratings
- Bad attitudes among the Gladly grownups about still-if-you-can-believe-it-pro-Trump evangelicals and the optimal response thereto
- Speculation re: potential timelines for the forthcoming Great Unraveling With Orange Jumpsuits For All
- Attempts to reconstruct the whole Comey firing/Congressional hearings/Special Counsel mandate-ifying sequence
- Retreats and retreat teams we have known
- Better to smash obnoxious cell phones with hammers or douse with super-soakers? Unclear.
- Reading from Kindle app in bed: best thing ever or situation requiring hammer + super-soaker? Unclear. (To one of us. The Luddite one of us.)
- Challenges of staffing allied health programs; awesomeness of my boss
- General awesomeness of our life in Gladlyville: great kids, happy jobs, cheap housing, 10-minute commutes
- Choice of parent to attend upcoming Girl Scout campout
- Optimal response to the surprising shriekiness of girls in gaggles (not hammer, probably not super-soaker)
- Future trips to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico
- Probability that the 14 years between Pete's birth and his eligibility to go to Philmont actually lasted less time than the same period for Alex. Opinions divided.
- Staggering providential goodness of the life we live
- Need for more date nights
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