I told the Alpha coordinator that I was happy to lead music when we got to that point. (Alpha eases its participants in: leaders don't pray at all with the participants until week 5, and then it's a quick and casual "Thank you for the snow, God" kind of prayer. They don't want anybody to do a U-turn on the first night because the expectation that we're all going to sing worship songs comes as an unhappy surprise, so that comes later.)
Tonight he said, "I found someone to be a backup guitarist and singer for you!"
"Yeah," he said, "Tim McGraw."
[I say nothing, because I am too baffled to speak. Megastar Tim McGraw is making the trek to Gladlyville so...he can provide rhythm guitar and harmony vocals at Alpha???]
"Wait," he said. "It's actually [parishioner who has one of those two names but not the other]."
I shouldn't tease him about the confusion, I suppose. There's another parishioner whose last name is Hopper, and even though I've known him for more than a decade I still have to say to myself "Not Dennis" when I greet him. I've never actually called him Dennis, but the name is always lurking there at the tip of my tongue.
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