"You'll never guess what my meeting this afternoon is called," said my husband this morning. He was right. It wasn't called "Poinsettias on the Blockchain," but it wasn't much less improbable. He rolled his eyes about the trendy title. "All you have to do to sell shares these days is add 'blockchain' to your publicity materials," he grumbled.
When he came home this afternoon I said, "I've been waiting ALL DAY to hear about poinsettias on the blockchain!" He laughed, and we talked for a few minutes while I worked on dinner. I was going to make bubble and squeak, but I forgot the cabbage. When we sat down he asked me about it. "Isn't it the cabbage that makes it squeak? What would you call this?"
I had my answer at the ready: "Bubble and Squeakless...on the Blockchain!"
Reader, they scarfed it down. If the blockchain label boosts sales to the finance types, it should also work for selling an idea to the family, right? Give it a try: leftovers on the blockchain will vanish as if they've been Scourgified. Liver and onions? All you need is to say is that they're on the blockchain.
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