Rachel Who Needs A Blog asked me to write about kids who outgrow their tantrums slowly, and really Rachel WNAB could ask me to write about...I don't know...consolidation of political power in ancient Egypt and I would give it my best shot. But that post will require some brainpower, so it is going to have to wait. And maybe some of you out there have had enough of the tantrum talk for a while. Maybe you have been secretly wishing I would write about rodents and flatulence instead. So! Here you go!
We have not heard any more mystery rodents scrabbling in the walls since Elwood zip-tied screen over the roof vents. This is a little weird, because our roof guy said the roof vents should not allow a rodent access to the walls. I keep waking up at night and thinking WAIT MAYBE THAT IS A MOUSE IN THE WALLS IS IT IS IT A MOUSE?? But I think (I hope) that's just my anxious brain running amok as it sometimes does.
Tonight, in a conscious effort to get my anxious brain to stand down, I went to a yoga class taught by the chair of my department. She is way, way into yoga and has been offering free passes to her classes at this new studio. I didn't know that she was also inviting students, though. In my mind students and workouts should remain entirely separate. Even though these were students I am always genuinely happy to see, I much prefer to see them when I'm not wearing Lycra. I've had a grumbly stomach today, and I was worried that it was going to disturb the tranquil environment of this yoga class. Did I mention the part where it was my chair teaching the class? and the part about my students attending, downward-dogging it right next to me? Thankfully it all worked itself out -- or, more accurately, kept itself contained. LET US LEAVE THIS TMI PARAGRAPH TO ITS OWN DEVICES, shall we?
In shavasana I was trying to focus on gratitude -- for breathing lungs and the air that fills them and the lovely planet we have been given. My brain, alas, was having none of it. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TRAINWRECK EPA? it demanded. It seemed urgent, for some reason, to recall the particulars of a long-ago conversation between my dad and a West Virginia environmental activist. It's not the easiest season in which to cultivate acceptance and mental presence, I'm just saying.
Tomorrow Elwood and I are going to our parent-teacher conference at the Catholic high school. It should be fine -- almost all of the teachers seem to care about their work and the kids -- except for the problem teacher I've mentioned before. It is probably most prudent for me to keep my mouth shut while we are talking to her. Elwood will have the presence of mind to say something measured like "We have some concerns about your responses to our son's questions" when I am tempted to lapse into snark and drama.
I started to tell you about the latest bit of racist nonsense that went down at the school, but it's so depressing. I will be relieved when it's May and we never have to pay them another penny.
Huh, this is turning into kind of a depressing blog post. When you promise to tell people about rodents and flatulence, they're bound to expect a little uplift, am I right? A moment of inspiration?
Did you know that there are only 4 weeks until Thanksgiving? I think it would be good for my outlook to clean up my diet for the next four weeks. Anybody want to join me, doing whatever version of clean eating works for you? I think that would be an excellent plan.
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