Oh, internet, I am configuring a printer. It is taking so long, and involving so many mysterious whirring noises at widely varying pitches, that I am expecting the printer to spit out a a copy of the Stone Table instead of the print head alignment pattern test sheet. (It's not actually a 3D printer, but we're talking a lot of mysterious whirring.)
"Ending," it says, when I shut it down in disgust. "Please wait a while." Thanks for that, helpful printer.
Now that I have restarted it I would like to connect it to my wireless network. It seems to require me to push and hold a button on the router with one hand while also pressing a button on the printer. How, I ask you, am I supposed to blog at the same time?
...Oh, tralaLAAA, I think I have persuaded the printer to see the wireless router which is sitting six inches away from it.
You know, it seems like printing should be a solved problem but it keeps on feeling like an intractable problem. The last time we acquired a printer I painstakingly configured it to give me fancy-dancy printing options. I could sit on the couch in the living room and print in the office with the push of a button. I could hypothetically send a document from my office (work) to my office (home) and print it remotely. (Although, full disclosure, I never tried that after I set it up and that maneuver seems unlikely to work on the first try.) I was even feeling hopeful that I could figure out how to scan a receipt and send it straight to Evernote, although I also believe that the US will end capital punishment in my lifetime and those two beliefs may be equally optimistic.
But then, not long after I got it all working, something broke somewhere. Did it happen when I upgraded my OS? Did we replace a router and blow the printer's little mind? Did we forget to invite Eris to the wedding so she sowed some discord over the wireless network? (<-21st-century epic in the making, folks.) No, I've got it: perhaps it tried to print a Stone Table and clogged its innards forevermore. I'm not sure if the White Witch herself could have untangled that particular networking issue.
I have been writing a half-sentence and then trying to figure out the next step, writing a half-sentence and trying to figure out the next step. This process may explain a few things both about the coherence of this post and the state of my unconfigured printer. I told to go ahead and download its firmware update. "Preparing," it told me. "This will take a while."
Awesome. Thanks for the heads-up.
Maybe I'll do a little campaigning against capital punishment and see if the printer fixes itself while I'm away.
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