Hi, everybody, I didn't mean to suggest that I was leaving forever now that my year of 6 posts per week is finished. I fully expect to keep posting 4-5 times per week, because I love love LOVE being in the posting groove. I love the record of our life; I love the feeling of freedom to fling up something goofy and quick because there's always tomorrow in which to write something meatier. In fact, I'll make that a Plan: I, Jamie Most Gladly, resolve to post at least 4 times a week for the next year, because it is an excellent discipline and it makes me happy almost all the time.
This is my 2000th blog post, according to Typepad. Now a bunch of those are in the drafts folder -- lots from my first two years of blogging at a different URL, and another few dozen from various stages of this blog's life. But that's a LOT of posts, is it not? I had thought perhaps I would do something weighty for post #2000. A Reflection, maybe. But instead let's talk about ripping off jellyfish legs, shall we?
I am thinking about entropy lately. I envision entropy as a giant menacing jellyfish. MUST FIGHT OFF JELLYFISH. But jellyfish are so...squishy. And multi-limbed. And...drifty. You shout en garde! and point your sword at a jellyfish, and it just floats on over to enfold you in its multitude of venomous arms. Meanwhile you are still trying to wield your sword underwater (and breathe -- breathing is important for combat). The jellyfish has a distinct advantage here, is what I'm saying.
Every summer I resolve to PUSH BACK against entropy and every summer I wind up sporting figurative jellyfish stings and hyperventilating.
Do you know how disgusting the banister rail on the basement stairs was? So disgusting. UnbeLIEVably disgusting. It is much less dirty after a vigorous address with Magic Eraser -- only now the aged paint is peeling off in gummy strings. It seems to have been held on by the dirt.
Our van has automatic sliding doors, and the passenger side door was a little fussy. It didn't always work the first time, or even the second time, which was mildly vexing. So I took it to the dealer for a diagnosis (bad roller), and took it back for them to replace the worn-out roller -- only to learn that they also think the rear motor on that side is failing. I used to have a sliding door that worked most of the time. Now I have a sliding door that only works if you switch off the motor and move it manually.
I could have had that for free, I'm just saying.
Mercifully Elwood volunteered to handle the next round of Dealing with the Dealership. (That sounds like a Gilderoy Lockhart title, except that he never actually had to deal with any unpleasant entities.) We shall see how it shakes out.
On the plus side, do you remember my printer that was secretly a portal to Narnia? It now works wirelessly from all the laptops currently in use in this house. I can also scan wirelessly from my laptop and print from selected phone apps. I can't print from Evernote on my phone, which would be useful, but I have hacked off most of that particular jellyfish leg.
Also on the plus side, I have hacked and slashed my way through my inbox tray until it is reduced to three items: one that needs to be typed up in Evernote, and a Land's End coupon postcard, and something to give away. There was a LOT of stuff in that tray, you guys.
Don't ask me what happened to my email inbox while I was working on the physical inbox. I'll just be over here trying to burn my hydra jellyfish WITH FIRE before it sends me to a watery grave.
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