This is the 365th day on which I have been 46 years old, and this is the 312th post of the year. Target achieved: 6 posts per week for 52 weeks. Thanks, my friends, for reading what I had to say this year! Thank you for your insights and your encouragement and your occasional enabling! (I bought the sandals.)
Who would have thought, a year ago, that the world would look the way it does? Gosh, I would have gone down hard in a contest to predict what July 2017 would look like. Hey, who wants to play this year's version of that game? Answer the following questions, and next year I'll send a prize to the person who was most accurate.
- Who will be president of the US on July 18, 2018?
- What will be the most astonishing news development between now and then?
- What about the most worrisome development internationally?
- Open-ended: what's one more thing you think will happen between now and then? (Anything at all. You will have another baby. I will gain a thousand Twitter followers. (Don't wish that on me, actually. Twitter is a crazy place.) The Queen of England will die a peaceful death.) feeling a twinge of lingering guilt about the last time I ran a pool like this. It was December 2008 and I asked people to predict Stella's birthday, length, and weight. Then I never sent off the promised chocolate to the people who came closest. Belated apologies if you won that pool. I will probably be more successful with sending prizes when I am not adjusting to the arrival of a new baby while trying to write a dissertation.
But do you know, friends, I am not going to let worry or guilt be the note on which I end this year. I am going to take the advice of Alexander Maclaren, who said, "Seek, as a plain duty, to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life." Onward!
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