My brother is here! He drove up today with his two kids, a happening which caused my children to question me all day long like preschoolers on December 21: how soon? when will they be here? soon, right? it's very soon? why is it taking so long!
We had a pleasantly boisterous dinner followed by pleasantly boisterous jumping on the trampoline, and I think the boisterousness seems to be trailing away pleasantly upstairs as I type. My brother has a big generous laugh -- he makes everybody feel witty -- and we have the same big enthusiastic hair in different colors.
My 17yo decided a few years ago that he was going to read his way through a list of experimental fiction that he found on the internet somewhere. He has ticked the books off systematically, for the most part, but Gravity's Rainbow gave him some trouble. He had to start it three separate times. But do you know, he finished it this week and we are going to celebrate. How, you ask? With bananas.
I told him he could choose any four items (or maybe five, because BAKING = LOVE and also that's a really fat and daunting book), but not the mead because it's not BREWING = LOVE (does one brew mead? it's not DISTILLING = LOVE either, or FERMENTING = LOVE). So there are a lot of bananas ripening in my fruit bowl in preparation for this celebration.
My nephew is somewhat emphatic in his ideas about which foods are edible and in which combinations, so we shall see what he says about banana blancmange. He might say, "Aunt Jamie, I would like to make myself a peanut butter and honey sandwich, please."
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