When I was pregnant with Stella she bounced all around. She didn't really want to put her head down and keep it there: she thought sideways was good, or occasionally breech, or sometimes she twisted around diagonally just to keep things interesting. Oh, gosh, I am having a sensory memory of the discomfort of a 39-week baby stretching herself out sideways. Phew, I'm glad that's over! Here's a picture of my sweetie Petey and me, reading books in the breech tilt position. (Whoooo, having another sensory memory. Those steps were so uncomfortable!)
I took to calling her Olga near the end, in honor of Olga Korbut. Tonight as I was tucking her in she wanted to know what other names I had called her before I settled on her actual name -- she'd never heard about her in utero gymnastics. She thought Olga was an awesome name. She has decided to abandon her actual name and instruct everyone to call her Olga.
I'll let you know how that works out.
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