I was surfing through my archives recently and I came across a post from September about time management. I expect we all have ups and downs with self-discipline, yes? If you are relentlessly resolute in your wee-hours wake-ups and your tenacious tickings-of-boxes, you probably have better things to do than read this particular blog. I wrote that post when I was in a good groove: waking at 5 and immediately spending a chunk of time in prayer, working out 6 days per week and training for a half-marathon, prepping a new class but staying on top of things at work, and still making time to read good books to Stella and get Pete to soccer practice on time and provide concrete support to a struggling teen and also knit and post frequently.
It is not coincidental, I don't think, that I had just finished doing the Whole 30 at the end of August.
I have an ongoing problem with saying, "This amount of productivity is enough productivity." If I get into the office and check off all the things on my list, my temptation is to say, "Tomorrow's list should have more things on it!" rather than "Today's list was exactly the right size!" Maybe that's a good work goal for 2017: to figure out the right-sized list for me, with the right mix of short-term and long-term priorities.
I guess the more times I do the Whole 30, the more obvious it becomes that I am better at life when I am eating that way. I say this with a little reluctance, because the Whole 30 is kind of ridiculous.
But I'm going to do it again for January, and direct some attention to right-sized lists instead of super-sized lists, and see where that takes me. I'll report back.
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