Richard Spencer is all over news feeds today, now that CNN has quoted him asking whether Jews are people. (Hi, Richard, I am happy to report that your question has a simple answer: YES, they are people. Or, since the Daily Caller got all bent out of shape that CNN didn't quote you precisely, I can answer your original question: "one wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golems." That answer would be: NO. Let me repeat: that's a NO on the soulless golem confusion. Soulless golems do not exist outside children's books, kind of like the Gruffalo. Jewish people, in contrast, do exist outside of children's books, despite the efforts of your ideological forebears to alter that state of affairs. Let me know if you need further assistance distinguishing fantasy from reality.)
Oh my friends, I did not mean for this blog to turn into all politics all the time. I am PINING for the days of GWB over here, those halcyon days when I would get really vexed about a tax plan or the odd unjust war. Remember those days, when every five years I would throw up a post that expressed vague leftward leanings? And we could discuss our legitimate differences of opinion on marginal tax rates and big vs. small government? Remember those days when our president-elect was not haranguing media representatives in closed-door meetings and complaining on Twitter about how the only people who object to his opaque and abundant foreign business dealings are the crooked media?
Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2016
(Hi, DJT, I think what you meant to say there was the crooked Constitution, since that's the actual source of the Emoluments Clause. Perhaps you could give it a stern talking-to as well. Let us know how that works out for you.)
Remember those days before the Russians moved new anti-shipping missiles into the Baltic? Those days from last week?
These are, alas, different days-- days in which a neo-Nazi is thrusting himself into public discourse. What's a person to do but channel Indiana Jones?
So. First item of business: where did I put my bullwhip? All the meek and soft-spoken professors are sporting bullwhips these days. And my Ark of the Covenant is nowhere to be found. Have you seen it?
I saw the first Indiana Jones movie in 1982, which may explain the vagueness of my Ark of the Covenant plan. But I do remember very clearly a message from one of its early scenes: if you hope desperately to be listened to, try writing your text on your eyelids. So here's my message to you, America:
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