As of today I have been blogging in this space for ten years. The teeth that Pete was cutting in that post will be falling out soon.
The first ten years of motherhood went by a lot more slowly than the second ten years. Recently I plopped Stella's teacher's name into Google, thinking her email address would pop right up. What popped up instead was the newspaper announcement of her divorce. In her first year at our neighborhood school -- our second year as a public school family -- she was my second son's second-grade teacher. I still think of her as a newbie at the school. But in the time since she taught my son nine years ago, she got married, had a child, got divorced, and sent her daughter off to kindergarten. I bet she looks back on her first year and thinks about how long ago it seems. It feels to me like 2007 was a blink or two ago.
After my first ten years as a mother I felt as if I had earned an advanced degree in the rearing of children. The second ten years have mostly taught me how much more there is to know.
On another night I might muse more about that, but as I was writing this post the boys came thumping in from their Scout meeting. Joe is 14 now (but read this funny post from October 2006!) and Pete is 11. I am feeling a little wistful, thinking about how quickly they will be grown and gone.
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