For this week's Yarn Along post let us contemplate the difficulties of color selection. Back in the summer I started a Fox Paws with some leftover sock yarn. It's a fun pattern in five colors; I picked a pale yellow-green, a semisolid medium green, a peacock blue, a sort of sea blue, and a brown. The thing is, the pattern told me to use those same five colors for all 15 pattern repeats and I was not persuaded that (a) I had enough yarn (see above re: leftovers) or (b) the result would be very interesting. After the first 5 repeats I put it aside for weeks.
I'll mix it up a bit, I thought. I'll sub in some yellow for the yellow-green, and a lighter brown for the dark brown, and hey, Knitpicks is having a sale so I'll get some Palette in a green and a blue that fall between my existing greens and blues. I'll do 7 repeats in this new switch-it-up color scheme, and then I'll do 5 final repeats in the original colors.
I am not entirely sure that it's going to work. I suppose we'll see.
Books for me: Passages, by Connie Willis, and Britt-Marie Was Here, which was due yesterday at the library. Whoops. Stella and I found My Father's Dragon lurking under the couch cushions -- hurray!
Lots more Yarn Along posts at Ginny's.
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