Three chapters left in These Happy Golden Years. We lost steam after Little Town on the Prairie, but we should finish this one tomorrow. Just before bed we read the storm chapter, in which a neighbor boy is picked up by a tornado and found dead the next day. Stella was heartbroken -- huge gulping sobs for this nameless broken boy. :-(
The Kindle book is How Not To Be Wrong, which is a lot of fun. I'm on the part where he's talking about the shortcomings of null hypothesis significance testing, which is one of my husband's favorite grumbles as well. (Perhaps one of them might like to persuade the journal editors in my field of the merits of their perspective.)
That little bit of knitting is a hex from the Beekeeper's Quilt. It is my twentieth hex, which means I should have a completed project in, oh, 2075 or so. That yarn is pretty blinding, is it not? If you look closely you may notice that the hex needs a little TLC. I was watching Stella's mounting worry out of the corner of my eye as we read about the storm, and this caused me to knit a row in which I decreased at one end and increased at the other. I think I'll stop writing and get the resulting wonkiness sorted out right now.
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