There are all kinds of blog posts rattling around in my brain. There is one about the Whole 30 (this is day 25, my third time through), and one about why the secular world thinks the Catholic Church yammers on and on about sex. There is one about the knitalong I am starting tomorrow -- the Spring Green Heather is considerably less pretty when I put it next to the Glacier Heather, and what should I do about that, internet? I didn't write a new year's resolution post for the first time in, like, ever -- not because I don't have new year's resolutions, but because I'm way out of the blogging groove. There's a follow-up post about a question someone asked me in November.
I'll see if I can get those written over the next week or two. For tonight, I'm just going to push back against blogging inertia. More soon!
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