The Advent wreath is on the dining room table with its candles slightly askew; the breviaries are all stacked up with their ribbons in the right spots. The Lego Advent calendar will be here Tuesday, just in time to start the countdown. (I picked the pink one this year, which may cause some raised eyebrows and laments about the decline of Western civilization. (As the crotchety twig is bent, man.))
It's also time for another Advent ritual: it's the Christmas knitting season. This year I am aiming low, friends-- I will not be spending Christmas Eve knitting like fury. I will not be weaving in ends on any gifts as their recipients pull into the driveway. But I am making my dad a pair of thrummed slippers. Did I tell you about these last year?
Thrums are little bits of combed unspun fleece, soft and squishy and highly feltable. They make a delicious lining for these slippers. I made four pairs of them last winter, and I was pretty sick of the pattern by the fourth pair. But it's a new liturgical year, and I'm taking another crack at the slippers. Don't they look cozy?
The pattern is Ysolda's Cadeautje, if you'd like to knit up a pair of your own. I'm going to try to get up to the cuff tonight. Christmas is coming quickly, after all.
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