I am leaving town tomorrow for a conference, and while I am away I will be meeting up with some people from Ravelry.
I've never been to a knitters' meetup before, but I have my outfit all picked out. You know how you're always a little uncertain when you meet someone you've only known online? Do you ever feel uneasy when you say, "Hi, are you [online_handle_here]?"
Well, I have a solution.
I might or might not be the only person in the Denver Fluevog shop with a pile of curly hair. But I am confident that I will be the only person in the Fluevog shop who is pairing Elizabeth Zimmermann leggings with a Yank and a Pyukkleen.
This solves so many problems. Highs in the 40s? No worries-- I'll be wearing 4 pounds of wool. Awkward pauses in the conversation? Elizabeth Zimmermann leggings open the door to so many interesting topics: what did you think about Knit One, Knit All?
Maybe I can wear this ensemble to my presentations as well. What's that? you have an awkward question about my methods? Hey, check out the two kinds of fish encircling my thigh! Which one do you think looks more realistic?
It's true that I still have half a leg to finish on the leggings, but I'm pretty sure the Ravelers will understand. Any knitter has been there on the deadline thing. And it might be, it just miiiight be the case, that the double-pointed needles jutting from the live stitches are not even the weirdest part of this outfit.
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