I'm not teaching this week, which makes me feel that I ought to Get Stuff Done Like A Boss.
There's Christmas stuff that needs doing:
- order cards plus I went to the PO and bought stamps
- figure out niece/nephew/goddaughter gifts
- and husband gifts, because his birthday is also sneaking up on me
- and take REALISTIC STOCK of the Christmas knitting situation, remembering that frantic late-December knitting is an invitation to repetitive strain injuries and not to a peaceful Christmas three gifts. that's it. end of discussion, self.
(This is a fun picture of the boys, isn't it? It's from the same batch as the Christmas card picture.)
There's personal stuff that needs doing:
- OH THE GMAIL inbox zero, baby, at least for the next ten minutes
- and I'd love to repair some knitting: fix the socks, fix a sweater, add hooks/eyes to my new green cardigan
- and I'd also love to finish those rassafrassin' leggings and the alpaca hat
- I've been putting off a blood draw since September because it has to be done fasting
- and I've had "replace sunglasses" on my list since...oh, man, since August
- do you know when I last worked out? neither do I. I'm having trouble even stating this as a goal. --Monday workout! 30 mins, 9.07 miles on an exercise bike; Thursday workout, 2.74 mile run/walk while the turkey got up to temperature; Sunday workout, 3.5 mile run
- in my wild time-dilating fantasies of Thanksgiving break I am getting pictures into albums but...that's probably crazytalk
There's family stuff awaiting my attention:
- haircuts
- jeans/underwear purchases
- end-of-year giving
- and what is even in that stack of papers on the desk?
- furnace cleaning/inspection scheduled
- scheduling sump pump maintenance
- dentist appointments x 3 and make that other appointment and call Geico
- also oil changes
- and Eagle Court of Honor planning: date, venue, invitations
- and we should rake the leaves if the snow melts -- leaf-raking is never really done, but I'm calling it close enough
There's always work stuff that needs doing:
- give feedback on 24 22 21 16 14 7 5 papers
- post slides and readings for next week, plus 2 grad assignments and 1 undergrad assignment
- work on that interesting peer review
- get R&R comments to co-authors TODAY
- submit conference expenses (oh, yeah, and update professional organization memberships to submit as well) whoa, that was a pain
- work on poster for January symposium
- and in an ideal world I'd re-fit those models and send off a new draft to my co-author after weeks months of procrastinating
I might need a fortifying nap first, though.
PS I published this and then realized I had completely forgotten about a big one: Thanksgiving dinner. Whoops!
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