1. I feel so behind on grading. It is stressing me out. One would think that the solution would be to DO the grading, but apparently I'd rather write a blog post about how it's not done. Just goes to show: you don't have to be smart to have PhD behind your name. Elwood was out of town for most of the week. You know that spoons post? Having Elwood out of town takes about three-quarters of my spoons and melts them into a big ugly ladle, clanking out a bitter tattoo: ALONE ALONE ALONE ALONE ALONE. Saturday I was Fun and Pleasant Mom. Sunday I took homemade cake to the pack meeting and led a three-mile hike cheerfully. But Tuesday I totally spaced the orthodontist appointment (eek) (still haven't called to reschedule) and Wednesday I was refreshing Amtrak's "check status" page like someone whose rescuer was crawling eastward on the California Zephyr. I'm still catching up.
I'm going to do that thing I used to do, grading a couple of papers between each take. If you see a partial version of this post in your feed reader, there might be more to read if you click through. Or I might have jumped on the westbound California Zephyr, abandoning the grading and the relentless email in search of blue skies and green vineyards.
2. My 15yo just coasted past 6 feet. One morning a few weeks ago he came pelting downstairs. "Mom," he said, "what are these marks on my back?" They were purple, cutting across his back in multiple places. I was worried for a minute, and then I looked closer. "They look like...stretch marks," I said with some puzzlement. Did you know that teens can get stretch marks when they shoot up tall? Turns out they can: Dr. Google told me so, and our doctor's office corroborated it when I called. (Because would you want your son's tombstone to read "Here lies the boy done in by his mother's overreliance on Dr. Google?" I thought not.) Tonight he told me that while he was hanging out with friends they noticed the marks. "It looks like you've been whipped!" they said. Ah, yes, scourging, my favorite discipline strategy.
"But wait," I said, "why could your friends see your back?" "It was a no-shirts party," he explained, "and we were doing pushups. Don't you do that with your friends?" Clearly I need to learn how to live it up a little more.
3. I haven't graded any more papers since I wrote this last take, but I have to tell you about the guy who just wandered onto my porch. There are lots of things to love about living where we do, but the drunk college students are an occasional problem. (One of them was the subject of a whole 7QT post a few years back.) Elwood is away again this evening, and I wasn't expecting any visitors, but suddenly there were footsteps on the porch. When I looked out I saw a muddy guy sitting on the swing. His friends drove him here, he said. He was waiting for his friends. Perhaps I was confused about whose house this really was. After some back and forth he stumbled away. My neighbor and I talked for a minute about what to do -- the neighbor had seen the guy fall down in my yard and lie there for a bit before weaving up to the porch, so he came over with a flashlight. We couldn't decide -- was he drunk enough to need a 911 call? He was out of sight before we came to any conclusions. But I have to say, if he was drunk enough to mistake me for an undergrad, he's going to have quite the hangover tomorrow.
4. I...[groan]...think...I...can...I...think...I...can.
Just 1.5 more papers to return, at about 20 minutes per. And an exam to finish up, so I can email it to disability services before Monday.
Do you know that part in the early Thomas the Tank Engine stories where Henry needed Welsh coal to run properly? I need some Welsh coal. Or maybe I need the Fat Controller to send another engine along to push my train up to the top of the hill.
5. Oh, alas, in the last one? Plagiarism. I am done but it doesn't even feel good to be done.
6. Dear future self: If there is a future week in which you think, "Oh, sure, I can handle hours of intense grading while my husband is at a work thing for the first half of the week and a fun thing for most of the second half of the week"? Think again.
7. Linking up with Kelly, who invites quick-takers to link to their most popular QT post. Mine is probably the day of the lice infestation + head injury. It puts my current state of mind in perspective. But I'm going to have to add the link tomorrow, because the writing of this take was interrupted by yet another jaunt in the car to retrieve a kid, and I could not be any tireder.
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