Hi, everybody, I'm back. Did you miss me? I have totally blown that summer resolution to blog 5 times a week or so, but it felt more burdensome than useful so I won't feel too guilty about it. The thing about being away is that I'm never quite sure where to jump in.
I met Jenny while I was visiting my parents. If I were a 2015 sort of blogger I would have selfies to share, but I am not. So I will just tell you, instead, about two curly-haired bloggers at a hipster-ish coffee shop, talking faith and homeschooling on a pleasant August evening.
Today I walked two of the boys up to campus to participate in a research project. Stella came along, but she was unenthusiastic about walking briskly on a warm day. When we got to the lab, she announced to the research assistant "I'm gazausted," a metathesis so charming I think I might adopt it myself. Later, as we drove to the pool, she was singing the Speed Racer theme song. (My husband bought the Speed Racer DVDs for the kids one Christmas, in memory of his favorite show from childhood.) With a little nostalgic pang I noticed that she sang the actual words this time ("go, Speed Racer!"), having figured out that it doesn't actually say "Ghost Eraser! Ghost Eraser! Ghost Eraser, go!"
Tomorrow is the faculty retreat. Normally I would do anything that my chair asked me to do -- she's terrific. But in May she asked me (all of us) to read a book that I just do not want to read. Although it is unlikely that she would find my blog by googling the book title, and unlikelier that she would care deeply about my lack of enthusiasm, I will tell you that it is not called Speeder Ship and the Blue Faience. (That might be an interesting book, huh? William goes head to head with Anakin, or something?) I will also not include the number of pages I have read so far, but just between you and me and the internet it is in the low single digits.
So. Time to read judiciously while my applesauce finishes simmering. I'll be back.
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