I mentioned offhandedly last August that I had just done the Whole 30-- 30 days with no grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, white potatoes*, or sugar. Slowly and cautiously I added some of everything except sugar back into my diet. I did eat three pieces of chocolate on Mardi Gras, but that was the only time I'd eaten sweets since July. Come to think of it, I haven't had any alcohol since July either. But drinking is not my vice, so that one is no trouble at all to maintain.
*(when I looked up that link I discovered that they green-lighted white potatoes last summer! who knew?!)
It is tricky to avoid grains and legumes and dairy consistently, so it was a relief to add them back in. I kept losing weight gradually, but I lost that fantastic Whole 30 glow, the mental focus and emotional equilibrium that took me by surprise last summer. So I'm declaring March to be another Whole 30 month. Day 1 is in the books.
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