1. Instead of "when I go to sleep" she says "when my eyes turn black."
2. One day I said to her brother, "I think Stella just has music inside her." She said, "Yes, I do. When I sing, I let it out. But then it comes right back."
3. This morning she said, "I don't want Joe to scold me [about feeding the guinea pigs]." I said, "Where'd you learn that word?" (It's not one that comes up often at our house.) She said, "When I was a little girl and you read me that book about the elephant who was a king." Remember when Arthur and Celeste get in trouble for running away?
4. She thinks that cracking a joke requires the speaker to sprinkle the word "underwear" liberally across her attempt.
5. She still produces fractured versions of words she uses a lot. "Stop derrupting me!" she tells her brothers regularly. "That's usgusting," she says about food that is green. She's also a fan of Carcass Stone, a game that is not nearly as grisly in reality as it sounds in her rendition.
6. Long ago I blogged about the way she said "meed" and "mee" for "need" and "knee." She can get it right if she thinks about it, but mostly she still meeds things.
7. She is a little bit interested in Return of the King, but she wanders in and out. Tonight after the boys and I finished our chapter she brought me our graphic novel version of The Hobbit and we read for a while. She thought it was hilarious that one troll called another a booby, and skipped around saying "You're a booby" until bedtime. I'm hoping that fades away by Monday, because I'm not sure the kindergarten teacher will be consoled by my explanation that she's talking about the blue-footed bird.
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