- Tonight I was browsing through Crescent Dragonwagon's cornbread cookbook when I saw that her caldo verde recipe calls for a cup of garlic cloves. HOW did I not notice this before? HOW have I not made this soup already: chorizo, kale, white beans, and -- did I mention? -- a CUP of garlic cloves. I think I was born to eat this soup. I think that once I make this soup, all I will have to do if anyone gives me crap about anything between now and January is breathe on him.
- Crescent Dragonwagon is about the only person on the planet who could sell me on a cornbread cookbook. We have a compact kitchen, and my cookbooks are confined to a little shelf. If something new comes in, something old has to go.
- Here, look, I will post a picture or two, even though nobody is reading this blog for the photography. I realized after I posted last night that my sampling error was pretty conspicuous in hindsight: anyone who loves video posts is probably going to skitter quickly away from this blog with its 1000-word screeds on... who knows what.
When we moved into this house, Elwood built shelves all along one kitchen wall, stretching all the way up to the ceiling. Underneath the butcher block table he also jury-rigged a cookbook shelf that keeps the cookbooks handy but relatively free of spills. Isn't that clever?
- I am also putting in a picture of the cookbook spines, because I love to see what cookbooks other people keep on their shelves.
Remember when I mentioned that I was making a cookbook for our favorite babysitter? It wound up costing, like, twelve cents more to have a second one printed up. So I did -- it's one of the black comb bindings, unhelpfully. It's been unexpectedly fantastic. If the kids want to know how mom would make pancakes or brownies or palak paneer, boom -- they have an immediate answer.
- Tomorrow: Knitting As Metaphor. You know you can't wait.
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