Today's post was going to be about Don Blankenship, but I was reading the siege of Gondor chapter to the 9yo and the 12yo and when they asked me to keep reading I couldn't say no. How could I pass up a chance to intone "Grond crawled on" to a captive audience?
So I am giving you a recipe instead. Crescent Dragonwagon's Passionate Vegetarian has a delicious fall lasagna recipe: pumpkin, garlic, kidney beans, cabbage, ricotta. Sounds a little weird, maybe, but it's so tasty. It's also kind of a pain. I had a pumpkin that was getting a little soft in the pantry and half a head of Chinese cabbage, so I re-imagined her lasagna as soup.
Coarsely chop a bunch of garlic (6-8 cloves) and seed/peel/cube a small pumpkin. Brown them lightly in oil or butter or a combination. Stir in finely ribboned cabbage, a can of petite diced tomatoes, a can of rinsed/drained kidney beans. and a pint of stock. I would have tossed in a glass of white wine if I'd thought about it, but I didn't. Simmer until the squash is tender. While the squash is cooking, fry sage leaves in butter until crisp. Serve soup with sage leaves and Parmesan.
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