1. Happy beheading day!
That is probably a weird beginning after a three-week absence. But I love this series of feast days: St. Monica, patron of mothers and people who pray about something big for a long discouraging string of years; St. Augustine, of "our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee" fame; St. John the Baptist, my weight loss role model.
2. It would probably be TMI to tell you that one of my children got started on this date in 2001, so I won't tell you that. But when a pregnancy begins and ends on two different St. JtB feasts, a person feels sort of obligated to acknowledge the connection in naming the resulting baby.
3. I am two weeks into the semester and mostly very happy. I love my classes; I love my job. It's a lot of work, but I am grateful for it every day.
4. Work is doing a number on my workout schedule. I am trying to decide if it is too extravagant to join the campus fitness center. Would I really swim at lunchtime and finish my Monday work more quickly so I could go to open climb in the afternoon? Or would I fail to do those things and feel guilty about it? It is kind of weird to see my students at the fitness center, but perhaps the invisibility conferred by a swim cap and googles would help. Speaking of which: I must tell you more about swimming soon.
5. This is day 30 of the Whole30, and I am trying to figure out what comes next. I have not been following the don't-weigh-yourself rule, which is how I know that I had lost 11.6 pounds as of a few days ago. More importantly, though, my brain is working really well: my focus and equilibrium are better than they've been in...I don't know how long.
But a life with no legumes and no grains and no dairy and no sugar and no white potatoes and no alcohol and no sulfites and no for-Pete's-sake carageenan is a complicated life. My vegetarian son is SO over it.
6. Kids are doing well at school, although I had to scramble home from the office yesterday to take my kindergartner some fresh clothes. Someone jostled her off a wall outside and her nose bled all over her clothing. :-( No lasting harm done, though.
7. I feel much more confident about determining how much independence is the right amount of independence for younger kids than I do about figuring it out for teens. My oldest is in his second year of college classes and wants to hang out with his college friends a lot. A LOT.
I wonder if I will be better at these decisions by the time my kindergartner is a teenager, or if I will just be really tired.
More quick takes at Jen's.
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