1. You know how there's a group of people in my life whom I enjoy very much (mostly) and from whom I would prefer to keep this blog hidden? I am spending a lot of time with some of those people right now. I am also putting them in touch with a couple of internet friends who have relevant stories to tell them, and I am feeling a little paranoid that they will google-click-google-click their way here.
2. I am playing Words With Friends with my husband again. Remember how this used to be a bad idea? In our last game he got 120 points with the J alone. One! hundred! twenty! (Triple letter/triple word in "inject," followed by "jade" landing on that other triple.) His final score in that came: 536 points. This could be an opportunity for me to grow in patience and humility, could it not?
3. Opportunities to grow in patience and humility are more appealing in the abstract than in real life.
4. I am casting about for other things to tell you, because that context in which I am spending time with those people who aren't supposed to google-click their way here is taking up most of the available space in my brain right now. There is a blog post I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to write so we could all chat about young women and culture and bodies and contemporary gnosticism and misguided modesty.
5. I picked up a book by Joni Eareckson Tada when the Kindle version was free -- lots of interesting food for thought about suffering. When I was a kid my dad gave me her autobiography and I read it again and again. I hadn't thought about it in years, but the memories are still vivid: the accident, the hospital, the wide range of rehab personnel, the story of her faith. In hindsight I'm a little surprised my dad gave it to me, because it's so Jesus-y.
6. This new book describes her work around the world, providing wheelchairs to people with disabilities in developing countries. I am intrigued.
7. And I am out of minutes. I will try to write a more interesting post when the brain cell count permits.
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