I wasn't expecting snow today. I walked home in falling slush, expecting it to stop any minute. Instead it began accumulating. "Snow!" said Stella. "Will you find me some mittens so I can build a snowman?" I did not point out that he would have to be a snowman of Lilliputian proportions; I just fetched the mittens.
My oldest was at rehearsal. It's tech week, and I knew he would be coming back late, tired. In the snow, after not having driven in snow since last winter. When the phone rang at 9:13, my heart leapt up into my mouth. When I heard my husband say, "How did that happen?" it started coursing like a hummingbird's.
He and a friend had stopped for dinner after rehearsal. When they went in, the driver's side mirror was intact. When they came out, it was dangling by its cables. Bummer, yes. Hassle, yes. Annoying, yes.
But I'm overwhelmingly grateful he's home, safe.
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