1. Stella took a nap this afternoon and when she woke up we were cleaning the house. "Who's coming over, Mama?" she wanted to know. That is pathetic, for her to assume that cleaning only happens when we're having company, but it's not unjustified.
2. I was more enthusiastic about cleaning and cooking when my kids were younger and I still hoped they would turn into people who offered to mop and loved my butternut squash-apple soup. (Not that I'm bitter or anything.) That was also the period of my life when I was a full-time mom, which has something to do with it. It's not just the at-home/employed thing, though, because I am mostly momming it this summer and I am just not feeling the vacuum love.
3. I might be too old to say "feeling the love." I have been 43 for a week now. Forty-three is the first age I have ever been that sounds old to me.
4. My husband and I also observed our twentieth anniversary this week.
5. ACOG invited Amy Tuteur to speak about homebirth at their annual meeting this fall. This discovery requires a post of its own, but I have to say I am astonished.
6. Petely asked me to teach him to knit today. He is *so* proud of his efforts. It's the cutest thing.
(6.5. I wish that knitwear designers would agree that "at the same time" should always be put in boldface type, preferably in some neon color with the blinky tag. I am making a kid's sweater, which I started over once because my increases weren't quite right. Now I have to rip back 600 stitches or so because of an "at the same time" instruction that wasn't bold or neon or blinky or even on the same page as the first part of the pattern. Sigh.)
7. Speaking of cutest things, my niece sent Pete a letter after our trip to my parents' house. The first part of it was ordinary chitchat, but the PS slays me: "I miss you so much. I miss your face. I miss your vois." I was planning to save it forever, because I know exactly what she means about that irresistible face and voice, but it got recycled today (see #1 re: unaccustomed blitz cleaning). So I am writing it down here instead.
More quick takes at Jen's.
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