1. Please pray for Kate, whose husband died last week. I haven't been spending much time on the internet and was aghast to see her news on Ravelry today.
2. Everything else feels so trivial after that. Maybe we need a moment-of-silence take here.
[silence, filled with prayers and sympathy]
3. I took the four youngest kids down to see my parents and my siblings and my SIL and their cousins. They were all sorry to leave. I made them go to Mammoth Cave on the way back and you would have thought I was chaining them up and making them mine for saltpeter. "Whyyyyy couldn't we stay and play with the cousins?" they wanted to know. One of these days I will learn that things I think will be fun for them are rarely met with shouts of glee.
4. I've been mulling over the fact that I'm always happier when I'm blogging more frequently, and trying to figure out which way the causality runs. Do I blog more during periods when my life is full of happy things I want to post about? Or do I make an effort to squeeze more blogworthy things into my life if I've made a commitment to post frequently? The latter possibility sounds kind of terrible, as if I am living my life for the benefit of my invisible friends on the internet. I suspect there's some truth in it, though. Thoughts?
5. Do you know what I am doing with the rest of July, O invisible friends on the internet? I am catching up on pictures, yes I am. If I do at least a month's worth of pictures every day, I will be caught up by August. So that's what I'm doing. Caught-up-ness or BUST, I tell you.
6. I keep having anxiety dreams about the beginning of the semester. I forgot that classes were starting and I missed the first day. Classes are starting tomorrow and I have no syllabi. I am in front of my class with no idea -- none -- of how I will fill the next 75 minutes. Also on the list for the remainder of July: finish syllabi, firm up readings for the new prep, work on planning the first few weeks of class. Oh, yeah, and smack that manuscript into shape.
7. The princess party went well, if you don't count the vomit in the carpet. Next time the princess dancing will involve less twirling. I was going to post a princess mask tutorial with pictures, but I haven't quite managed it yet. I only used about two-thirds of the planned activities, but I have learned from sad experience that it's better to plan a few more things than you think you'll have time for. Better to have them saying, "Can we just go play now?" than saying, "We're bored!"
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