Yesterday our Family Foundations arrived in the mail and Pinterest was mentioned on the front cover. I thought, "I don't even want to know what that's about." And then my brain couldn't help itself. And also it's NFP Awareness Week, so hey-- let's be aware.
What if you added numbers to the left side of your smocked nightgown so it could double as a temperature chart? I'm still figuring out the details. Do you pin a fuzzy pompon in place every morning? Probably the truly dedicated Pinterester will sew on another mini-button each day. Or maybe she will make a series of little handcrafted cartoon-face ceramic pins, in which that frown turns upside down as the numbers climb. (With a few extra eyes-bugged-out pins in case they fail to un-climb.)
I've never been a sticker person myself, but surely there is a market for more interesting stickers. Keep the colors the same and add faces. Late Phase III: crabby. Early Phase I: crampy. Late Phase I/Early Phase III: blissed out. Phase II: resolved --> resigned --> biting nails --> the merest wisp of steam leaking from the ears.
Or what about recipes for teachers? For the kinesthetic learners in your class, mix Elmer's glue with how much water? Can you test pasteurized egg whites to see if they have the same viscosity as their unpasteurized counterparts, so that hapless grooms-to-be will go home with just the heebie-jeebies and not the heebie-jeebies plus salmonella? Are you looking for something besides that tired old nose vs. lip comparison for teaching the cervix sign? I can hardly wait to see what pink squishy alternatives PInterest comes up with.
(The actual FF article is a piece by Margaret Berns on smiting perfectionism. It's about birthday cakes, not charts, and it is not remotely crazy. But the crazy is kind of fun, isn't it?)
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