Hi, I'm back! Did you miss me?
My running group starts up tomorrow and I have been spending an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it. I am feeling like there's a big jump between the group I ran with last summer and the next group up. I've moved past the easier group, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the faster one. I can run their mileage, or I can run their distance, but not both at the same time.
Elwood says, "Sounds like you should go with the faster group. Somebody's got to be the slowest person in the group."
The woman who led my group last year says, "I think you will be fine. If you don't like it or you're having an off week, you can always drop back to the other group."
I suppose the worst that can happen is that I can't keep up with them tomorrow and they tell me I'd be better off in the slower group. It's not as if they'll laugh at me while I throw up. (Right?)
What's your preference? Would you rather attempt something you weren't sure you could do, or stick with something on the easy side?
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