On one of my email lists we're talking about what we especially want to do this summer. I'm having trouble thinking of just one thing. I submitted grades today and my manuscript revision is due Monday, so my plate will be quite a bit emptier in just a few days. Some of the things on my mind:
...Maybe I will read all of Dorothy Sayers
...and Romola and In This House of Brede
...and finally get back to Hamlet and Othello and The Two Noble Kinsmen.
...Maybe I will launch another Vegetable Project and blog my way through a summer's worth of CSA veggies
...and exercise 5 days a week while life is quieter
--oh, who am I kidding? Life does not get quieter when five kids are home from school for the summer--
...but maybe I will get up early and exercise anyway
...and no matter what happens with my personal exercise plans I think I will sign up for that uber-fun running group again.
...I've been stalled near the end of Fellowship of the Ring (reading it to Joe and Pete), but summer's the perfect time for getting un-stalled
...and finding a secondhand sandbox
...and cranking up the ice cream maker and squeezing lemons for real lemonade together and maybe making another batch of profiteroles
...and reading the bits of the Simple Mom archives that talk about making your backyard a place where kids want to play (instead of saying, "Why can't I stay inside and have computer time?").
...I think I'll contact the guy who wrote the language software I use and see if he has any ideas about the paper I want to write
...and write down my Research Plan for the next couple of years.
...I will for sure for certain get those rassafrassin' pictures into the equally rassafrassin' albums
...and clean the dining room carpet, no matter what
...and maybe plant herbs alongside the front sidewalk, maybe,
...and I think once or twice I might take a nap. A nap!
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